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How To Publish Content To Grow Your Brand

Content is king.

Content publishing can be a powerful tool for businesses and individuals looking to share their message and connect with their audience. However, it’s important to remember that different social media platforms have their own unique features and audience demographics, and as a result, the way you present your content should be tailored to fit each platform.

Publish on popular platforms.

One of the most popular social media platforms is Facebook. With over 2.7 billion monthly active users, it’s a great platform for reaching a wide audience. When publishing content on Facebook, it’s important to keep in mind the platform’s focus on personal connections and community. This means that visual content, such as images and videos, tend to perform well on the platform. It’s also important to use a conversational tone and to encourage engagement through comments and shares.

Instagram is another popular social media platform that is heavily visual in nature. With a focus on beautiful imagery and creative storytelling, it’s important to put extra effort into the visual aspect of your content when publishing on Instagram. In addition to using high-quality images and videos, consider using Instagram’s various editing and filter options to enhance the visual appeal of your content. Hashtags are also crucial for getting discovered on Instagram, so be sure to include relevant ones in your posts.

Twitter is known for its fast-paced nature and focus on real-time information. When publishing on Twitter, it’s important to keep your content concise and to the point. This means using shorter sentences and hashtags to make your content easy to read and understand quickly. Twitter is also a great platform for sharing links and driving traffic to your website, so be sure to include relevant links in your tweets.

LinkedIn is a social media platform geared towards professional networking and job searching. When publishing content on LinkedIn, it’s important to keep it professional and informative. This means avoiding overly casual language and focusing on topics that are relevant to your industry and target audience. LinkedIn is also a great platform for sharing long-form content, such as articles and whitepapers, so consider using this format to provide in-depth information and insights.

Here are some examples of the types of content that may be appropriate for each platform:


  • Images and videos (e.g. product demonstrations, behind-the-scenes glimpses, customer testimonials)
  • Conversational posts that encourage engagement (e.g. asking for feedback or opinions, hosting a Q&A)
  • Infographics and other visual content that presents information in an easy-to-digest format
  • High-quality images and videos (e.g. product photography, lifestyle shots, branded graphics)
  • Stories and Instagram Reels (e.g. showcasing products in action, highlighting company culture, offering tips and tutorials)
  • Behind-the-scenes glimpses and sneak peeks (e.g. showcasing your team at work, giving a tour of your facility)
  • Short, punchy tweets that get to the point quickly (e.g. sharing news or updates, promoting products or events)
  • Links to articles or other resources (e.g. industry news, helpful tips and advice)
  • Use of hashtags to make your content discoverable and to join conversations on specific topics
  • Professional articles and whitepapers that provide in-depth information and insights (e.g. industry trends, company updates, thought leadership pieces)
  • Visual content that supports your message (e.g. infographics, charts, slideshows)
  • Posts that showcase your expertise and thought leadership (e.g. sharing insights on industry developments, offering tips and best practices)

Start your content publishing strategy today!

In summary, when publishing content on social media, it’s important to tailor your approach to fit the unique features and audience demographics of each platform. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each platform, you can effectively present your content in a way that resonates with your audience and achieves your goals.

Book a free business consultation with Thinklyn today to learn more and get started with our content marketing services.

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